is the leading job board for community pharmacies in Switzerland with more than 2000 job ads published each year. also publishes health news and runs a blog with interesting posts about the pharmaceutical world. The interview format is often chosen on the blog.
In Switzerland there are 3 main languages, German, French and Italian. The news and blog sections of are also available in 3 languages. To gain productivity realizes an interview with a specialist (e.g. scientist) in English. Then all the interview is translated in German, French and Italian. helps to structure the interview in 1 language, often in English. The questions and answers from the interviewees are in English. On it is possible to add also the questions and answers in another language and to document with a link where the interview was published in different languages (see example below).
In July 2022, Pharmapro team made an interview with an Italian professor specialist about jellyfish. The interview was made in English, as we can see for question 1. All questions and answers were well documented in English on
On step 3 of Wizard (Interview) of it is possible to document where the interview was published with specific URL, we can see the main URL (in English) and URL with translations in German, French and Italian.
It is also possible to add 1 or many Instagram explaining the interview